Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique
Оптоeлектроніка та напівпровідникова техніка
ISSN 1011-6559 (from 1982 to 2018) | ISSN 2707-6806 (print) ISSN 2707-6792 (online)
Abbreviated key-title: Optoelektron. napìvprovìd. teh.
V. 50 (2015) | to Ukrainian version
A.I. Vlasenko, V.P. Veleschuk, M.P. Kisselyuk, Z.K. Vlasenko, I.O. Lyashenko, O.V. Lyashenko
Acoustic emission of the light emitting diodes (review)
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 5-16 (2015)
A.V. Sukach, V.V. Tetyorkin, I.M. Matiyuk, A.I. Tkachuk
InAs photodiodes (review)
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 17-43 (2015)
V.A. Dan’ko, I.Z. Indutnyy, M.V. Lukaniuk, V.I. Myn’ko, S.S. Ponomarjov, P.E. Shepeliavyi, V.O. Yukhymchuk
Photolithography on photostimulated reversible and transient structural changes in CHG
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 44-57 (2015)
Ya.Ya. Kudryk.
Methods for creation and properties of ohmic contacts to indium phosphide (rewiev)
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 58-72 (2015)
P.I. Baranskii, G.P. Gaidar
Comparison of the electrophysical properties of silicon crystals doped with phosphorus through the melt and by using the method of nuclear transmutation
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 73-78 (2015)
A.P. Paiuk, A.Yu. Meshalkin, A.V. Stronski, E.A. Achimova, S.A. Sergeev, V.G. Abashkin, O.S. Lytvyn, P.F. Oleksenko, A.M. Prisacar, G.M. Triduh, E.V. Senchenko
E-beam and holographic recording of surface relief structures by using the Ge5As37A58–se multilayer nanostructures as registering media
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 79-86 (2015)
S.P. Rudenko, M.O. Stetsenko, I.M. Krishchenko, L.S. Maksimenko, E.B. Kaganovich, B.K. Serdega
Diagnostic of localized surface plasmon resonances on porous gold films
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 87-93 (2015)
G.P. Malanych, V.M. Tomashik, I.B. Stratiychuk, Z.F. Tomashik
Chemical etching of PbTe and Pb 1–x Sn x Te single crystals by using H2O2–HBr solutions with different initial HBr concentrations
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 94-101 (2015)
E.V. Kostyukevich, S.A. Kostyukevich, A.A. Kudryavtsev, N.L. Moskalenko
Analysis of changes in optical characteristics of polycrystalline gold films under the influence of low-temperature annealing
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 102-108 (2015)
V.A. Dan’ko, M.L. Dmytruk, I.Z. Indutnyy, S.V. Mamykin, V.I. Myn’ko, P.M. Lytvyn, M.V. Lukaniuk, P.E. Shepeliavyi
Formation of submicron periodic plasmon structures of large area by using the interference lithography method with vacuum photoresists
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 109-116 (2015)
R.V. Khristosenko, Ye.V. Kostyukevich, Yu.V. Ushenin, A.V. Samoylov
Improvement of exploitation parameters of transducers based on surface plasmon resonance via optimization of optical parts in sensor devices of the “plasmon” type
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 117-124 (2015)
V.F. Onyshchenko
Distribution of non-equilibrium charge carriers in macroporous silicon structure under conditions of their homogeneous generation over the simple bulk
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 125-131 (2015)
S.V. Svechnikov
To the 50 th issue of “Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique”
Optoelectron. Semicond. Tech. 50, 132-133 (2015) (PDF)