Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique
Оптоeлектроніка та напівпровідникова техніка
ISSN 1011-6559 (from 1982 to 2018) | ISSN 2707-6806 (print) ISSN 2707-6792 (online)
Abbreviated key-title: Optoelektron. napìvprovìd. teh.
https://doi.org/10.15407/jopt / https://doi.org/10.15407/iopt
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Aim and Scope: Papers on the elements of semiconductor technique and technology, optoelectronics and microelectronics, nanotechnologies and nanoelectronics, elements of radioelectronic devices on the base of semiconductors and dielectrics, characteristics of semiconductor devices and materials and also influence of different factors on them are presented. For scientists, post-graduate students, and engineers working in the field of semiconductor technology and technique and optoelectronics.
Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Techniqueis is an open access single blind peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing original papers, reviews and letters. Issued annually, one volume per year.
ISSN and Title History: Journal was founded in 1966. All articles are accepted and published in Ukrainian and English. The initial issue “Poluprovodnikovaâ tehnika i mikroèlektronika” was published since 1966 (ISSN 0554-6222). Since 1982 the title and ISSN were changed to “Optoelektronika i poluprovodnikovaâ tehnika” (ISSN 1011-6559), that was actual till 2018 issue. Starting from 2019 the journal title was changed from Russian to Ukrainian with corresponding transliteration "Optoelektronìka ta napìvprovìdnikova tehnìka", in cyrillic "Оптоeлектроніка та напівпровідникова техніка" and appropriate english name mentioned on the title page - "Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technique" with new corresponding ISSN 2707-6806 (print) and ISSN 2707-6792 (online). Abbreviated key-title is "Optoelektron. napìvprovìd. teh."
The articles are reviewed by two independent experts who are appointed by the editorial board (single blind reviewing process), more information at Publication Ethics. After that the corresponding author receives a copy of an article manuscript with reviewers remarks. Reprint version revised by the author and agreed with reviewers is considered the final one and must be signed by the reviewers and authors. After that the text, figures and tables replacements or modifications are prohibited. When ublishing an article the editorial board follows the last version delivery date.
Authors are welcome to suggest suitable independent reviewers when they submit their manuscripts, but these suggestions may not be followed by the journal. Authors may also request the journal to exclude not more than two individuals or laboratories. The journal sympathetically considers such exclusion requests and usually honors them, but the editor's decision on the choice of peer-reviewers is final. Ourjournal editors treat the submitted manuscript and all communication with authors and referees as confidential. Authors must also treat communication with the journal as confidential: correspondence with the journal, reviewers' reports and other confidential material must not be posted on any website or otherwise publicized without prior permission from the editors, whether or not the submission is eventually published.
The papers are routinely scanned for plagiarism using installed plagiarism checker http://www.antiplagiarism.net , and free online plagiarism checker tools http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker.
The Editorial Office of the journal is located at V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Address: 41 Nauky prospekt, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine. Tel: (+38 044) 525 6373; 525 6205 http://isp.kiev.ua/
The Publisher is V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine